Sunday, October 9, 2011

Mystique: Logo + Mural

Recently had the opportunity to work with a salon in Bangalore to redesign their identity and also paint a mural at the entrance.

The salon is called Mystique and it is a unisex parlour, which happens to be rather popular. While redesigning their identity the major guideline given by the client was that the logo should be a (more) typographic logo, something simple and uncomplicated. Their old logo was in cursive and that's something they wanted to move away from. As for colours, the palate had to be lavender, mauve, purple family, with perhaps a secondary colour.

Here are the two options I presented to the client.. I personally really like the second one.

However, in true client style they chose to go with the first option, but without the scissor :(
So now I had a purely typographic logo. Simple.
Here's the final logo:

Also designed the signage for the salon, an acrylic one that light's up at night. Don't have image of it in the evening.. but this is what it looks like:

The next on my list of to-do's was the mural. Took a bit of back and forth to come up with something we both liked and thought could be executed well. This was a reference image I created for painting the entrance of the Salon..
So it took 2 days to get the whole mural complete right from drawing-painting and sticking in the mirrors. I think I spent about 8hours per day working on it.

The process:
Considering this was my first time painting a wall, I think it turned out well. Learnt lots and was rather happy with the end result. The final mural:

Some details:

And.. that's all folks.. This is what kept me busy for a couple of days last week and it was fun! A little scary at first, but sooo worth it in the end! :)


dj shrikant said...

excellent work.. the paintg work seems really nice.. it lookg fab.. as always i say.. keep the good work coming..

Unknown said...

So much fun Teeni. I wish I had the guts to complete all my unfinished murals.

Unknown said...

so funny korny...u shud!!!!!!!!! im sure ud do a good job!