Saturday, December 15, 2012


A poster from almost two years ago. This was for the Microsoft R&D Center in Bangalore. Did this during my first job (at Geek). The poster was for these "Discussion over Coffee" sessions that would take place every week, and all the employees were be expected to take part. We came with a concept of Time Out, Thoughts Out.. Hence coining the term TOTO! 

I think the poster probably explains what's happening better than me, on TOTO days.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Summer Carnival

Worked on this event earlier this year and just didn't get around to putting it up online. Anway, this was done for an awesome client. Shrikant's a great guy who gives a lot of space to me as a designer when I am working. I had designed his event company Oz Entertainment's logo earlier (which you can see here).

Moving on to the event which was a "Summer Carnival", a small music fest of sorts happening in Pune. For the event I designed a poster, a facebook cover photo and the tickets.

Here's the poster (that's filled with a whole lot of sponsor logos)

Tickets for the event

Given the short production time it turned out pretty well. Plus i got to play around a lot with the pen tool. Those few sleepless nights paid off. ;)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

IF: Explore

It's a phase I guess.. doodling and then scanning the doodle and creating a vector based version. Plus there's also been a recent 'Kawaii' obsession (that I am not ready to admit :P).

Anyway.. let me get to the point.. This just started of a very random scribble and turned into these flying fish. When I looked at my doodle all I could think of was... "My dream is to fly... Over the rainbow, so high".

This illustration is now available at my Society6 shop. You can get it as an iPhone/iPad case or a pillow or an art print or a tshirt even. :P

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

IF: Stretch

It would be too much of a STRETCH to party naked right??
This is something that started off as a sketch in the corner of my book (when i was pondering over 50Cent's lyrics of 'In Da Club') and then it took this form on my computer. 

Party safe!! Stay clothed! :D